Monday, February 12, 2007

Progress Report:

Ok, so after mentioning in my last post about our abitiouse idea for the inner/goods line we have hit a slight problem, but no not to do with the line going into the goods area. The problem is that the inner line wont run paralelle to the main line round the corners as the curved tracks are not sharp enough. So we spent 10 mins thinking on what to do, after all, scrapping the inner line would make the track pretty simple and boring almost. So we decided to keep the inner line but make it shorter and raise it up at the back so it runs over the back of the main line and...we think it works. Good news too, for those that are not too sure what i am talking about i have photos!
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Raised inner line going into goods yard.

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Inner line raised over the main line.

So much more to tell but i think thats enough for one post.

oh p.s check out the messyness again...i see another clean up coming.

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